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    Moving Brands 认领



    地址:美国 旧金山,1515 Folsom St San Francisco 94103 USA


    电话:+1 415 546 7700



    Moving Brands由毕业于伦敦中央圣马丁的Ben Wolstenholme, James Bull and Joe Sharpe等人在1998年成立,他们秉承“Creativity for a moving world”的概念,逐渐发展成为一家全面服务的品牌和数字机构,现在已经在伦敦,东京,苏黎世和旧金山都设有分公司。主要服务的客户有NOKIA、MindShare传立媒体、swisscom瑞典电信等。


    移动品牌始于1998年,有五个人热衷于设计,电影,讲故事和技术。 他们认为创造力是企业可以使用的最强大的工具。 起初,他们专注于两件事 – 电影制作以满足他们的创造力,以及设计和构建广播质量的直播系统,以满足他们的创新冲动。

    接下来是网页设计和体验设计,引领移动品牌开创我们的多感官品牌识别系统,定义图形,声音,动作,纹理和情感。 诺基亚是第一个受益于这种革命性新方法的客户。 正是这种DNA塑造了我们今天的样子。


    我们的很多工作都是众所周知的 – 世界上每个人都可以看到它。 但是有些事情 – 令人惊讶,令人吃惊,几乎不可信 – 你可能不了解我们。

    We work with the people we believe in

    We know there is no such thing as a perfect company but we also know that organisations with shared aims can create immense positive change. We are actively seeking founders, leaders and organizations who have similar ambitions to Moving Brands. And once we find each other we commit 100%.

    Aiming to be carbon neutral by 2021
    Fuel is our company-wide sustainability initiative which reviews everything we buy, from paper to parking to pensions.

    Find out about our commitment to practical change.

    One studio, connected

    We believe that collaboration is the lifeblood of creativity. It’s 
not easy – but we do it every day. Anyone who works in a global organisation will know it’s a struggle that has to be won.

    We build teams across our four studios that bring together the right experience and expertise to solve the challenge in hand. 
We stay connected through screens, we move between studios and work in our clients’ locations – whatever the project demands.

    by Weii

