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    Design Bridge 认领




    地址:英国 上海,上海市徐汇区 复兴中路1308号 8号楼


    电话:+86 (021) 3363 6030



    Design Bridge是一家位于英国伦敦的品牌设计机构。除了总部伦敦,该机构还在阿姆斯特丹,新加坡,纽约和上海建立工作室。

    Design Bridge is a highly awarded brand design agency. There is quite a lot that makes us who we are, in fact we’ve even written a book about it, but we’ll keep it simple and short for now.

    So a few facts: now in our 34th year, we’ve grown studios in London, Amsterdam, Singapore, New York and Shanghai, too.

    Originality. It’s blindingly obvious really, but original thinking is at the heart of what we do and cannot be compromised.

    Storytelling. It’s a bit of a popular word in the branding world at the moment but we’ve been doing it for years. Brands need a unique story, they need something that connects with people, and we need that story to start designing. Often it’s already there, sometimes we have to really dig it out. It can be very simple or very deep and rich. Either way it needs to be good. We bring these stories to life in a way that people ‘just get it’.

    Craft is a passion of ours, it’s what can make the difference between ordinary and extraordinary. Craft can take many different forms. It can be delicate precision of the lettering artist, the rigorous art direction of photography, the dedication to colour matching, or a subtle play on words — the list is endless.

    And we are award winning, too (240 and counting). We’re proud of our achievements but we love learning new things, and we’re always on the lookout for likeminded people. So if you’re thinking of joining us it’s important you understand what makes us tick, and that is always done best face to face. Give us a call and come in for a tea or coffee. If you’re lucky there might be cake, too.

    by Musio

