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    17W 小程序阅读


    委内瑞拉发布了新的旅游标志,以促进该国的旅游业。新标志采用了著名的安赫尔瀑布(Angel Falls)——你可能在迪斯尼动画大片《飞屋环游记》里看到并为之震撼过 。新标志里,委内瑞拉的颜色:黄色、蓝色和红色分别填入 Venezuela 单词的三个「e」中 。新的旅游的口号是:「Venezuela: Conocerla es Tu Destino」,意思是「Venezuela: It’s Your Destiny to Discover It ?委内瑞拉,你探索之旅的目的地」 。

    A new logo was unveiled to promote tourism in Venezuela. The new logo features the Famous Angel Falls which you may remember from the Disney animation “UP”. The Venezuelan colours, yellow, blue and?red were also incorporated. As to the slogan it says “Venezuela: Conocerla es Tu Destino”, which roughly translates as “Venezuela: It’s Your Destiny to Discover It”.

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